Japanese Debris Headed this Way

If you thought that the fallout from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami that took place on March 11, 2011 was all over, you are wrong. For a while, there was concern about radiation reaching the states. While it did, officials assured us that it was not at levels that would cause concern. We are yet to know the results of the devastating earthquake, but one thing is for sure – it caused a lot of debris and some of that debris is headed straight for our coastline. The bad news is the debris weighs about 100,000 tons. Image a wall … Continue reading

Nebraska Nuclear Regulators Face Flood

Not long ago, I blogged about the nuclear plants in America that might be at risk for disaster due to whatever reason. This week, there are two nuclear power plants in Nebraska protecting their critical equipment from rising flood waters from the Missouri River. Heavy rainfall (6 to 12 inches) plus the melting of snow on the Rocky Mountains has cause the river to swell. One plant is in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska, which is about 20 miles north of Omaha. Some of the grounds of the plant are already two feet underwater due to the flooding. However, the Omaha Public … Continue reading

Learning Unit – Japan and Natural Disasters

We have all watched the news reports from Japan with horror and sadness. Some of us have children old enough to understand the ramifications, and some of us have children too young to comprehend. I suggest using this monumental event in our world’s history as a study unit in our homeschools. Geography –pull out maps or our globe and discuss where Japan is, what its major cities are, and learn what other countries surround it. Social Studies – learn about the culture of Japan and what makes it such a strong, proud country. Learn to make some traditional Japanese dishes … Continue reading

Financial Tsunamis

We’ve all watched the news reports from Japan with sorrow and horror. The devastation is unbelievable, and it’s hard to imagine having to endure such tragedy. Our hearts go out to the victims and we pray for them to find comfort and peace as they seek to rebuild their lives and mourn the loss of loved ones. As we contemplate these things, it’s natural for our thoughts to turn to the ripple effects of the event on our world economy, and to wonder how this tragedy might affect us down the road. Obviously, we didn’t just see our town washed … Continue reading

Tips to Help An Autistic Child to Cope

It is normal to feel some anxiety when hearing about a natural disaster, especially when it is a big one, that directly affects thousands of people. Children who are on the autism spectrum tend to be rather anxious about life in general. Their anxiety can increase dramatically when they become aware of natural disasters such as the recent events in Japan. Fortunately, there are things a parent can to do help a child who has autism cope with his or her anxiety. I am no expert, but I think that it is a very human response to immediately think about … Continue reading

Natural Disaster and the Impact on Mental Health

With the recent events in Japan, between the earthquake and then the devastation on the tsunami, and now the risk of a nuclear meltdown, it will be interesting to see the impact of these events on the mental health of the Japanese nation. Right now, I imagine most are running on survival mode, adrenaline levels are high, panic is setting in, reality is finding enough food and water to survive. The impact on mental health will be more long term, setting in once the initial chaos is over. It will probably be years before the whole impact on mental health … Continue reading

Different Types of Stress

Stress isn’t just stress. Researchers have identified several different kinds of stress! Stress can be divided into two basic categories: short term stress and long term stress. Each of these categories can be further broken down into different types. Types of short term stress include: Acute time-limited stressors come on suddenly (acute) and are over relatively quickly. Situations like public speaking and doing math in your head fall into this category. These things may come on without warning but are short in duration. Brief naturalistic stressors are similar — they are relatively short in duration. Think of a classroom test … Continue reading

What Do Pets Know That We Don’t?

Do animals have a sixth sense when it comes to natural disasters? We can see how our pets are sensitive to human moods; are they also sensitive to the planet itself? Some scientists are skeptical, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence. In 1975, animal behavior prompted an evacuation of the city of Haicheng in China days before an earthquake, saving more than a hundred thousand lives. Ancient Greeks noted that even rodents, snakes, and insects fled the city of Helice before an earthquake in 373 BC. Even the folks who do believe that animals can sense disaster aren’t sure … Continue reading

Helping Kids Cope With Natural Disasters

Life is like a game of basketball. You stand at the free throw line, your eyes fixed steadily on the goal you aim and then you shoot. Sometimes you are lucky to get a 2-pointer but at other times you miss. But you stay in the game. At times you may have to sit on the sidelines for one or two quarters but once you catch your breath you get back in the game. I’ve been on the sidelines for a few quarters now and it’s time for me to get back in the game. For those of you who … Continue reading